Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's not about you

I want to share a story.

I was reminded of this story by a friend who opined in an email yesterday how powerful it would be if the men of our churches men's ministry all started their sentence about the ministry with "we are about..."

The power of we. Not Nintendo we but us, Christians together in community.

"I" versus "we"
When I graduated with a Master of Science in Leadership and Management two years ago I decided that I wanted to get a class ring. I had never done so before and thought it would be a good way to remember the journey. In the process of getting the details for the ring ironed out with Jostens I learned that on the side panel they could only fit 9 characters across. (they did not have a standard design for my program so I had to custom design).
Well as you know the word leadership has ten characters. I was beside myself with frustration and selfishness. I brooded over this for a few hours and then called my wife to complain. As I related my story to her she listened then with absolutely biblical wisdom said "Ron it's not about you!" Oh the pain! My initial reaction was to want to defend and get angry at my wife. I kept it in check and began to consider what she had shared. Its not about you, its not about you of course she was right I was being selfish. Leadership is not about me, leadership is not about "I"... Suddenly a flash of light came as the coolest idea came forth. There is no room for "I" in leadership. The dilemma was solved remove the "I" from leadership, Leadershp fit nicely and I had a permanent leadership lesson engraved on my class ring.
According to Ecclesiastes one man can get into trouble while two can help each other but a cord of three strands... Ecc 4:9, 12
So to the power of we, a very important observation.

Our savior was the model of selflessness, where are you being selfish today and how do you remind yourself to get over it?

Be blessed


1 comment:

Aaron said...

I think our wives 'the weaker vessel' help us husbands' 'weaker flesh'. Good story! You will always remember why the ring says 'leadershp'.