Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Extraordinary! Ch3 Storing Up Treasure

So I am saved by grace and not by works so that I may not boast… Eph 2:8-9

Okay I get that, can’t earn your way to heaven. For we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may receive what is due to him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 2 Cor 5:9-10

Why? If I am already saved why the judgment? What possible consequence could there be that a judgment necessitates?

I don’t know about you but for well over ten years I have wondered about these questions and frankly no one has adequately answered them.
Well I found an eloquent answer in the pages of Extraordinary Chapter 3. Amazing to me that John continues to hit homeruns, dealing with and helping me through core issues, areas of struggle in my faith life. I read through chapter 3 wondering where John would go now that he had already rocked my perspective on God’s love.

When we die we will go before Christ who will act as our advocate telling the father this one is mine and we will be saved on our way to heaven. But there are several peculiar scriptures that talk about that same judgment in different ways and other scriptures that encourage us to store up treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy. Why?

For that matter what about the Christians that struggle mightily with last minute converts to the faith. The mass murderer who repents seconds before execution. Will they share in the same eternity as us?

Well that last one is a big ole can of worms but all these arguments and issues relate to the same core issue. What happens at the judgment?

John cunningly uses multiple scripture to support the argument that each will be judged and afforded heavenly treasure as it relates to our acts once saved. If we lead an ordinary life not living up to God’s unique plan for our life, we can expect little treasure. Lead an extraordinary life and watch the treasure be heaped up on us.

Now I have no idea what you need treasure for in eternity but sounds pretty cool to be well rewarded in heaven. In fact as I reflected on this possibility it gave me great joy to think that I could do kingdom work and get rewarded for it. Not that I do so expecting reward, not at all. My purpose in serving had always been to say to God, here is an offering of love for you, I do this because I love you.

So you see as I contemplated this chapter I found myself in a new place. A place where a deep fundamental question had been answered and joy came welling up. Joy that I serve the creator of the universe and he wants to reward me for doing so. That is cool!

As I prayed at the end of the chapter content in what had been revealed, another thought came...

Don't read any more of this book for at least four days. Take the time to reflect on the challenge at the end.

  • In your life now how are you pleasing God? How might you please him more?
  • What do you believe is God's special plan for you?
More on this later

Father thank you

Thank you for allowing me to serve you

Thank you for revealing the meaning f your word

Sharing with me the reward of living for you, loving you


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