Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dollar Store Jesus

Yesterday I sat to write a post to this blog and found my mind as dry as a desert. It was clear that the subject I wanted to write and finish, the third installment in "What's your Story?" just wasn't the one I had to write. So this afternoon I prayed that the Holy Spirit would guide my thoughts and fingers across the keyboard. Here is what came forth...

Dollar Store Jesus

I went out for drinks with my wife, a dear friend and her spouse on night last week. We were celebrating a promotion that God had engineered in my life. My friend did not know it as she is far from God but my true celebration was in worship the day of the offer two weeks prior.

So here we were two college friends and spouses toasting a new chapter, a new season literally drinking in the possibility. She and I had graduated from a masters program in leadership and management not 18 months prior. Both of us have been forever changed through the degree. It gave us the opportunity to deepen our wisdom, challenge our assumptions and find our leadership voice. I have watched my friend grow in confidence and capability as sure as an oak tree growing along the shore of a river. I too was changed by the program. It was the first time I started to incorporate my vocation (leadership) with my faith. In the early courses I spoke tentatively of how important my faith was in my life and leadership. Toward the end I was bold, a lion waiting to roar for my God. The transformation was discernible to all who knew me but especially my dear friend.

My friend and I shared a deep sense of loyalty to the concept of authenticity. We sought transparency and absolute integrity. What you see is exactly what you get. Make a promise, deliver period. This kindred sense came though from seemingly different places. My friend has wandered from her catholic roots, some deep scar clouding her ability to see that God is real. I believe the Holy Spirit is working in her much like he did with me when I was far from him. He kept chipping away at the edges, honing my character, pointing me in Godly directions, protecting me from myself. I believe he does so with my friend as well she has not seen it yet.

My friend comes from a Hispanic background, she is volcanic with passion, she has a joy for life that is unmatched and a tireless spirit. If you are in trouble this is the friend you would want at your side, you just know you can count on her. She has an infectious laugh; often I make ridiculous comments or take on peculiar accent just to hear it. When she laughs the room brightens immediately. Her own sense of humor is well developed. When the four of us get together it is not uncommon for all of us to laugh so hard that our faces hurt for hours afterward. Each time we all seem to be surprised by the amount of laughter that comes forth. God loves to laugh I am sure. I cannot help but think he is at the center of this time.

So this particular evening was no different. It seems that my friend had family come to visit from out of state. She proceeded to tell us the stories of how her relatives took over the house like the Tasmanian devil cartoon character takes over a forest: high speed action, a dust cloud and mayhem in the wake. We laughed hysterically as she related story after story that would have been implausible had this been a sitcom. When she got to the Jesus statue and the candles I perked up. I do this when I sense that my Lord is about to be grieved. But not so this day, she related how her relative had setup their own personal shrine complete with burning candles, Jesus and a saint statue complete with the flame of the Holy Spirit. My friend was reasonably concerned that the house might actually catch fire, after all the flood, the fight and the fridge stories were already in the books.

When she finished sharing how her catholic relative setup a shrine to pray to Jesus my wife remarked how it seemed as if her relative might have bought a dollar store Jesus; hence the name of this post.

I grew up a Catholic Christian. The traditions of my church have always been a great comfort to me. I love the warmth of a group confessional prayer, the sense of chanting that spans the millennia by billions of Christians. Yet something troubled me. I have reached a point in my walk where from reading and studying the bible where I realize that Christ is every where. The veil was torn at his crucifixion. We no longer need an intercessor to approach our Heavenly Father. I am no preacher, no theologian, just a Christian; but the father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are real. They influence my life in profound ways. They intercede for me, answer my prayers, they comfort me and protect me. I don’t need a dollar store Jesus statue to pray to.

I am beginning to understand why so many Christians look at the catholic traditions and see what looks like idol worship. I know it isn’t, they just don’t understand, I reason. But yet, why a statue? Is it a reminder, a symbol of what God represents…I do not know. Blind faith is in my life not faith at all. I must seek relationship with my heavenly father. I must know him and have an intimate relationship with him. I must love him with all my heart, soul and mind. Here in lies the journey to be taken, the life to be lived, a life of total surrender. In surrendering to Christ paradoxically lies a life of freedom and love. This is what I seek.


I am yours


I want nothing more than to do your will

I want to know your love and have it channel through me to the lost of this world

I want to be yours hands, feet, whatever you need of me.

Father I lift up my dear friend to you

I beg of you to heal the brokenness in her

Help that part of her that keeps her from knowing your love.

Save her father

This daughter of yours is a gift of joy

Heaven would not be the same without her


I love you


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